Sunday, July 1, 2007

So close..........

I can nearly feel like it will feel when it's all done. I can sort of walk into my kitchen. Keeping to certain parts of certain tiles. I have dinner on, a Korma Chicken Curry in the crock pot that I just had to brown off in the fry pan first. I did that tip toeing everywhere, and then washed up and then I have to wipe out the sink cupboard, because it's not all closed off now because the dishwasher is still unconnected. Tomorrow it will be sealed, I don't know when or how I am going to get dinner organized tomorrow night. Dancing is on tomorrow and I was itching to go. At this stage, I am not so sure. If I can't get dinner organized quickly and efficiently then dancing is a non event. It's just an added stress if I am prancing around getting cranky because I want to go out. Not fair on the rest of the household. We will see..........

The floor is filthy with mortar, so when I walk everywhere on the slate, it crunches underfoot. Ooooh, how nice will it be when I can mop it over and have it all spotless again..........

Don't get me wrong, I am not whinging................just grateful that normalcy is looming close!

1 comment:

Tina said...

Wow Jenny, your new kitchen looks stunning. You won't know yourself when your diswasher is in working order.